Thursday, May 20, 2010

I dont have a man...but I'm not alone!

So who dares to be the big bad wolf and ask that question on the tip of all of your tongues??? Fine. I’ll ask it myself. How can I give advice about relationships when I don't even have a man?? First of all, it’s the summertime. So what I do have is a starting five and a few on the bench. Lol. Really. I don’t go to bed every night dreaming that my Prince Charming is coming to sweep me off my feet. Don’t misinterpret that to mean that I’m not dreaming of Prince Charming. He’s just not doing any sweeping! I plan on living until I am at least 110 years old so seriously what’s the point of me settling down now? I know myself very well. Monotony is not for me! (Monotony…monogamy…its all the same!). I don’t even like to wear the same pair of shoes two days in a row! For right now I’m just going to save myself the divorce proceedings and not even pretend to like you. I love them and leave them. That’s the story young adult dating life. The only long term commitment I am making these days is to my 5-inch heels. The higher the stiletto, the more it stings their poor little hearts when I’m on to the next one. That’s just the way the game goes. So as for me being single…. I don’t have a man, but I’m not alone! That’s just the way it is! If that doesn’t answer your question it’s probably because you want me to be your girl. Sorry but I’m unavailable;) To all my followers...keep it confident and keep it sexy and you wont be able to keep the fellas away!

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